My professional mission is creating environments that elevate and expand the engineering education and research communities. My strong belief in the power of creating meaningful relationships and networks is reflected in the multiple roles I have held throughout my career.

Julie P. Martin, Ph.D., FASEE

Julie has been named director of University of Georgia’s Engineering Education Transformations Institute

Hear and read more about what we do in Elevate.

Read Julie’s blog posts for OSU Fisher College of Business’ “Lead Read Today” series which provides evidence-based leadership and management best practices to assist current or emerging leaders: Mentoring is a Two-way Street and The Why and How of Career Vision Statements

Check out these recent podcasts by Julie!

Interested in a PhD in Engineering Education & Transformative Practice?

Elevate is part of the Engineering Education Transformations Institute at University of Georgia. If you are interested in learning more about our PhD program, please click below.