
Now accepting clients for the 2024 NSF CAREER competition

Our Aim at Domestique is to help you achieve your academic career goals and successfully publish papers, write winning proposals, and excel in teaching. 

 Our Name refers to the team sport of cycling, where the “domestique” is a rider who works in support of the star rider, rather than trying to win the race themselves. At Domestique, we work to support you. Like the cycling domestique, we work behind the scenes so your work can shine!

 Our Services focus on review of research papers and proposals and offering teaching workshops.

We serve as a critical friend who can help you:

  • Write 1-page summaries for communicating with program officers

  • Develop and revise NSF proposals

  • Provide feedback on and strategies to improve draft journal and conference papers

  • Interpret reviewer feedback and revise papers and proposals

  • Efficiently implement evidence based instructional practices

  • Get and stay organized for your teaching assignments

  • Increase student engagement in your classroom and improve student learning

  • And more!

Paper and proposal review: We will review your written document and/or the reviewer comments and provide written and oral feedback. Services range from a one-time review to multiple reviews through the development process. We will offer advice for corresponding with program officers and journal editors!

Teaching: We offer teaching workshops (via Zoom or in-person) focused on increasing student engagement. We also offer one-on-one teaching mentorship where we work with you to make specific and implementable changes to your courses.

We are also interested in helping you with your career success in other ways. Please contact us if your specific need is not listed here.

What people are saying about Domestique.


“Julie and Shane worked with me to develop my CAREER proposal. After working with them for many iterations over a period of eight months, I not only submitted a proposal that I was proud to complete, but I found my voice in the process. Julie and Shane demonstrated remarkable patience and profound insight to help unearth my vision for the work, which enabled me to craft a project that is not only meaningful to engineering education research and practice but also deeply satisfying to me.”

— James Huff, 2021 CAREER awardee.

“Julie provided invaluable feedback as I revised my CAREER proposal for a second submission. She helped me to decipher the first submission reviews and to strategize an approach to address the reviewer concerns without altering the focus or character of the work that is so deeply important to me. Her depth of expertise and breadth of experience were key to developing a stronger and responsive second submission.”

— Angela Minichiello, 2021 CAREER Awardee

“After receiving two CAREER proposal rejections, my confidence was low and I was frustrated. I was passionate about my research, but I had all but given up hope that it would be funded. Julie came alongside me and provided the feedback I needed to communicate more effectively and to also understand why my previous attempts were unsuccessful. Julie was very patient through our iterations and helped me to develop confidence that I could be successful in grant writing. In my successful CAREER submission, Julie was definitely the X-factor.”

— Kerrie Douglas, 2021 CAREER Awardee

We embrace our supportive role on your team.

Julie P. Martin is an associate professor in the Engineering Education Department at The Ohio State University. Shane Brown is a Professor in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University. Together they have secured more than $13 million from NSF and other federal agencies and published more than 170 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers. Julie is a former NSF program director and is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Women & Minorities in Science in Engineering. While at NSF she managed a portfolio of nearly 250 engineering education grants, including the CAREER, Research in the Formation of Engineers (RFE), Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (RIEF), Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) programs. Shane formerly served as a Senior Associate Editor for the Journal of Engineering Education and currently serves as the Chief Editor for the ASCE Journal of Civil Engineering Education. He developed a new journal, Studies in Engineering Education, with Marie Paretti at Virginia Tech. Shane has implemented multiple teaching workshops focused on student engagement, worked with faculty on an individual basis to improve their teaching, and revised the teaching evaluation practices in his school. Julie and Shane have a combined 30 years of teaching experience in higher education. Both have been recognized with national awards for their research in engineering education as well as with local, regional, and university awards for exemplary teaching and mentoring.