Julie’s vision as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Women & Minorities in Science and Engineering (JWM) is to change the culture of academic publishing to one of constructive feedback. Read her editorials:

Time for a Culture Change—Moving Academia from Destructive to Constructive Feedback

Positionality Statements are Just the Tip of the Iceberg: Moving Towards a Reflexive Process

JWM is a force for nurturing the community of diversity and inclusion scholarship and practice in STEM, and is a place where:

  • Authors feel supported in their life’s work and receive fair, constructive, and timely feedback

  • Reviewers practice the art of constructive feedback so that each review is a tangible contribution towards creating a constructive and supportive culture for academic publishing in STEM education.

  • Associate editors create a community dedicated to holding our field to a higher standard in how we treat each other and our life’s work. As individuals and as a group, associate editors lead by example in creating a constructive culture for academic publishing.

Aims & Scope: JWM publishes original, peer-reviewed papers that report on empirical investigations covering a variety of topics related to achieving inclusion of historically underrepresented and minoritized populations in science and engineering education, academe, and professional practice. These populations include those who identify as people of color, white women, first generation college students, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+community, people with disabilities, and the intersections of these and other identities. The journal especially welcomes research manuscripts that use theoretical frameworks and methodologies appropriate to the study of underrepresented and marginalized populations and/or use intersectional approaches. JWM also publishes studies on novel educational innovations that hold promise for transferability to other contexts